Welcome to Saxin Photo

I have always loved being creative, it's my expression. From the days at sea or the car ride in the woods, nature has always been my interest. Please enjoy my pictures and contact me if you would like to work with me. 

  • Sea

    I was brought up by the sea, and it’s been with me since my childhood. I love the water.

  • Forest

    The deep forest holds a special place in the heart of our country. The beauty we can experience in the green depth is astounding.

  • Steglits på en gren fotograferad av Andreas Saxin


    You cannot have nature without life, and the wildlife in our country is as vast as our forests.

  • A image taken from a drone of the swedish archapilago.


    Watching things from above is a luxury. And it is so interesting to see our country from a perspective we usually never see.